
May 2012

Your Computer Can Now Detect If You’re Tired and Take Over Your Job


May 2012

Your Computer Can Now Detect If You’re Tired and Take Over Your Job

MIT, USA. A group of researchers found a way for your computer to take over the job when it detects that you are multitasking. Solovey and her colleagues use the functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) in order to measure the activity of your brain. When you are stressed out and tired, Brainput detects that you are now multi-tasking, or otherwise called branching, and takes over the job through the software.

It is a kind of headgear placed in the forehead that increases operator performance during multi-tasking. It is placed nearest to the anterior frontal cortex of your brain (just at the forehead) and away from hair, which interferes with the signal.

The invention has a broad range of applications. When further developed, not only can it detect multi-tasking, but a variety of emotions too. It can empathize with the user and automatically function according to the user’s mental state.

Invention Brainput
Organization Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Indiana University, Tufts University
Researcher Erin Treacy Solovey et. al.
Field(s) Brain Imaging, Infrared Spectroscopy, Computer Engineering
Further Information POPSCI




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