
December 2012

FIPEL Light Bulbs To Replace All CFL Bulbs Early Next Year


December 2012

FIPEL Light Bulbs To Replace All CFL Bulbs Early Next Year

WAKE FOREST UNIVERSITY, NORTH CAROLINA, USA. Scientists have recently developed a brand new type of lighting system based on FIPEL technology. FIPEL stands for field-induced polymer electroluminescent which makes the new lighting system shatterproof and flicker-free. It also gives out white light as compared to the yellowish glare that common fluorescent lights have. Also, this new lighting system gives out off white light as compared to LED lights that have bluish glint.

Normally, we would notice that most fluorescent lights give out a humming sound when it’s turned on which can get annoying at some time. Also, most fluorescent lights are not very soothing for the eyes because of the rather dim glare it produces. Using a nano-engineered polymer matrix, the team of researchers were able to successfully convert the charge into light. This time, the new lighting system doesn’t have that annoying humming sound or that unpleasant glare anymore.

David Carroll is the scientist leading the study of this new lighting technology. Using three layers of moldable white-emitting polymer, it is blended with a small amount of nanomaterials. When the material is stimulated, it glows and creates perfectly white light that is almost as bright as the sunlight which is more pleasant to the human eyes.

Another good thing about this new lighting technology is that it can come in any shape and any color. That way, it will fit any type of lamp and light fixtures easily. It is also twice as energy efficient as compact fluorescent bulbs or more commonly known as CFL. Also, it won’t shatter and contaminate as compared to the usual CFL bulbs that we normally use at home.

The development of the FIPEL will be very beneficial to spacious places that need large-scale lighting systems that last longer such as offices and homes. The good news is that FIPEL should become available to consumers as early as next year.

Invention FIPEL – Field-Induced Polymer Electroluminescent
Organization Wake Forest University, North Carolina, USA
Researcher David Carroll & Team
Field(s) Nanotechnology, Engineering, FIPEL, Lighting, Lighting Technology, Green Energy
Further Information Phys Org

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