Author: Charles Wright


Blood cancer: Can we improve patient survival?

– Today’s best treatment options for blood cancer kill tumor cells with high doses of radiation...

PreScouter Case Study: Next-Gen Infection Control Technologies

– The following is a case study report of the work that was carried out by...

Mini Electronic Biosensor for Point-of-Care Devices and Wearables

– There’s a completely electronic method for barcoding particles according to researchers at Rutgers University. Unlike...

How Wearables Will Improve Healthcare

– Millions of wearable devices for tracking activity and fitness levels have been sold in the...

External Womb Could Save Premature Infants

– One out of every three infant deaths in the United States can be attributed to...

3D Printing in Healthcare

– 3D printing has generated huge interest in recent years. The most well-known uses are  in...

A Biopesticide to Beat Back Bed Bugs

– A recently reported biopesticide could provide a simple, yet effective means to eliminate—and even prevent—bed...

CRISPR: The Genome Editing Tool That Will Transform the Field of Biology

– The genome-editing technology CRISPR has been lauded as one of the most important scientific breakthroughs...

A Revolutionary Approach to Screen Nanoparticles for Medical Applications

– Nanomedicine is an important, emerging field of modern medicine. Nanoparticles are promising for a number...

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