Author: Dino Gane-Palmer


Apple Intelligence: New AI features coming to iPhone, iPad & Mac

– While recent years have seen a surge in new AI technologies, Apple appeared to be...

How Biology Will Replace Your Manufacturing Process

– What would it mean if your company’s product could be grown and harvested as the...

7 Innovation Lessons From Superman

– Often a troubled project, the making of 'Man of Steel' bears a resemblance to many...

Steve Jobs: Forget the product. Start With the Go-To-Market Strategy

– Most people, when they think about innovation, start with the product. Instead, the innovator should...

Building the World’s Largest Expert Witness Search Firm

– We interviewed Russ W. Rosenzweig, founder of Round Table Group, the world’s largest expert witness...

Is your existing market your deathtrap?

– Businesses must develop what are often contradictory resources and capabilities to be successful in appealing...

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