Investigating investment opportunities in the cybersecurity sector

Investigating investment opportunities in the cybersecurity sector

About the Client:

The Client is a leading global provider of logistics, operations, training, and mission support services to government clients worldwide.

The Challenge:

The Client was investigating investment opportunities in the cybersecurity sector and engaged PreScouter to help them identify potential investment targets. Key questions of interest that needed to be answered included:

  • What does the existing defense cybersecurity market look like?
  • Who are the key players in this field? 
  • What are the advantages/disadvantages and added value of these companies?
  • Who are the professors conducting research in this field? 
  • What are the papers and patents related to innovation in defense cybersecurity?


Over the course of 4 check-in meetings delivered over the course of 2 months, PreScouter took the following steps to tackle this challenge:

  • Assessed the overall market and key trends
  • Identified key investment targets that had superior technology and value proposition compared to others in the market
  • Identified Subject Matter Experts and researchers from PreScouter’s talent pool and brought them on to help assess different company approaches
  • Assessed the IP landscape for the sector to highlight high-value areas currently being developed


In addition to answering key technical and strategic questions for the Client, PreScouter also identified and examined 44 companies that matched the Client’s needs in the areas of data analytics, logistics, and cybersecurity. The top 24 companies were further analyzed, and PreScouter made recommendations for acquisition based on a weighted average of the company’s IP, ROI, and fit to the Client’s requirements.

Impact of PreScouter work:

The information generated and delivered to the Client by PreScouter allowed the Client to gain a better technical understanding of these domains. PreScouter was able to identify new targets and top players in the field that the Client was not aware of. Furthermore, this engagement with PreScouter provided the Client with an understanding of the market, its key trends and players, and differentiators between the various players.

A downloadable version of this case study is available here.

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