Landscape of the green hydrogen value chain, technology, and policy framework

Landscape of the green hydrogen value chain, technology, and policy framework

About the Client:

With hydrogen considered to be the premier next-generation energy carrier, a cleantech company specializing in energy from waste wanted to understand the major hydrogen electrolyzer suppliers and the strengths and weaknesses of their technologies, along with the entire green hydrogen value chain.


As part of an ongoing Research Support Service License, PreScouter helped the Client gain an understanding of the generation of hydrogen through electrolyzers along with the entire green hydrogen landscape, including all the players across the value chain along with their technologies/products and also the different regulations, directives, and funding relating to green hydrogen.


PreScouter identified the most important companies in the field and gathered key metrics of their technologies. The team of Advanced Degree Researchers collected publicly available information and engaged with several Subject Matter Experts to obtain additional insights and recommendations as well as reaching out to the most important players to obtain non-publicly available information. Regulatory and market analyses were compiled and summarized using market reports and research papers along with PreScouter resources, allowing the team to respond in a customized way to the Client’s questions. This exercise was not restricted to one location only, but was done on a worldwide basis.


PreScouter identified and profiled 25 hydrogen electrolyzer suppliers, evaluating each technology’s power consumption, load fluctuation, and other key factors as well as their business strength. Of these, 7 were shortlisted for detailed comparison and evaluation. This immediately led to conclusions about which were the players with the better electrolyzers and business models, allowing the Client to make several informed strategic decisions.

Impact of PreScouter’s Work:

The Client gained an understanding of where the major opportunities for their business were and was able to identify millions of dollars worth of funding.

A downloadable version of this case study is available here.

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