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Articles with insights from PreScouter's experts, as well as examples of the kind of custom intelligence they deliver to clients.

AlphaFold 3: Google DeepMind’s latest AI tech in drug discovery

Google DeepMind has introduced its latest AI tech, AlphaFold 3. It is an AI model capable of accurately predicting the 3D folded structure of proteins...
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Case Study

Assessing the need for water recycling solutions in different industries

– PreScouter's research identifies key industries for targeted water filtration solutions, improving the client's business development...

The rise of algae: What will the future of sustainable seafood look like?

– Access our report to explore how algae is transforming plant-based seafood, including insights on six...
Case Study

Soil reclamation and dust suppression technologies for the mining sector

– About the client: The client, a multinational mining company, was interested in finding the most...
Case Study

Assessing the most environmentally friendly and cost effective MSW processing methods

– About the client: The client is a global cleantech company specializing in energy from waste...



Scaling up success: Key lessons from real-world CCUS projects

– Can the quest to endeavor Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS) technology redefine our approach...
Sample Briefing

Renewable energy’s dirty little secret

– Renewable energies have seen significant growth over the past decade, contributing to 10-20% of electricity...
Sample Briefing

The rise of algae: The future of plant-based seafood

– With the plant-based food market projected to reach nearly US $100 billion by 2032, this...
Sample Briefing

Microplastics in industry: Identifying risks & opportunities for action

– Microplastics are small plastic particles measuring less than 5 mm that do not biodegrade and...
White Paper

Hydrogen as a Fuel for Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Plants

– Currently, using hydrogen as a fuel for CHP plants with a goal of reducing greenhouse...
White Paper

How to Avoid Pipeline Failures

– Leaking pipes lost the equivalent of $7.6 billion worth of treated water in 2019, and...
Sample Briefing

Are fuel cell electric cars better than battery electric cars?

– In the absence of an infrastructure to support FCEVs, BEVs are the more favorable option...
Sample Briefing

Hydrogen-Based Energy Adoption in Aviation

– Hydrogen-based energy is the generation of energy that uses hydrogen and hydrogen-rich fuels in fuel...
Sample Briefing

Achieving Greenhouse Gas Goals: How Organizations Can Measure and Reduce Carbon Emissions

– Climate change is the biggest existential challenge of our times that can potentially disrupt business...
Sample Briefing

Achieving Greenhouse Gas Goals: Metal Industry Strategies For A Low-Carbon Future

– Included in this report: What are the drivers and political framework pushing steel manufacturing companies...
White Paper

Hydropower: The Next Frontier

– Hydropower is shifting from a flexible source of energy covering peak loads in a fossil...
Sample Briefing

Renewable Energies: The Place To Go

– COVID-19 has impacted all industries and renewable energy is no exception. The present document aims...
Sample Briefing

COVID-19 & Natural Resources: How To Continue Operations Safely

– The natural resources sector has been significantly disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic due to closures...
Sample Briefing

How Can Workplaces Offer COVID-19 Testing?

– In this report, we detail all of the currently available COVID-19 workplace testing options, detailing...
Sample Briefing

When will the COVID-19 pandemic end?

– In this report, we’ll cover what companies can do sustain, and even grow, in this...
White Paper

Additive Manufacturing in Energy Production

– The energy and natural resources industries have not been at the forefront of additive manufacturing...

State of the Electric Vehicle Lithium-Ion Battery Market 2019-2030

– Report Highlights: Advancements in battery technology and the electrification of the automobile have contributed enormously...
Sample Briefing

6 Startup Water Management Technologies

– What technologies and/or companies have emerged in the last few years in water management? The...
Sample Briefing

Smart Road Technologies Shaping the Future of Transportation

– Report Highlights: Key driving trends: Electrification Infrastructure Improvements Safety and Improved User Experience Renewable Energy...
White Paper

New tech for old industries: Leveraging renewable energy in surprising places

– In 2017, 70% of net new global power generating capacity came from renewable energy. Renewable...

Synthetic biology: The future of food, pharmaceuticals, fuel and chemicals

– The field of synthetic biology is rapidly developing. Its aims are no less than engineering...

Case Studies

Case Study

Decarbonization in IT Operations: A Business Unit Approach to Carbon Emission Reduction

– As organizations intensify their decarbonization efforts to reduce carbon emissions across various operational levels, including...
Case Study

Landscaping sustainable polymer solutions to replace plastics commonly used in consumer electronics

– About the Client: The Client is a leading producer of tobacco products who engaged PreScouter...
Case Study

The future of steel: Disruptive technologies and market opportunities

– About the Client: The Client was looking to understand the future of steel. They engaged...
Case Study

Analyzing the waste-to-jet fuel sector

– About the client: As a major player in the waste management industry, the Client, a...
Case Study

Identifying the best biofuel and suppliers to lower maritime transportation emissions

– About the Client: The Client is a Major Mining Company. The Client set a goal...
Case Study

Low-power sensor technologies for cold storage logistics applications

– About the Client: The Client is a Global Leader in HVAC and Logistics Solutions. As...
Case Study

Technology landscape for improving O&G field operations efficiency

– About the Client: The Client is a multinational oil & gas company. The Client wanted...
Case Study

Analysis of technologies and markets for captured CO2 utilization and storage

– About the Client: The Client is a global cleantech company specializing in energy from waste....
Case Study

Remote survey and assessment technologies for the mining industry

– About the Client:  A leading service provider to the mining industry wanted to understand remote...
Case Study

Innovative technologies for improving the efficiency, reliability, and safety of O&G construction

– About the Client: The Client was a major international Oil & Gas company. Their technology...
Case Study

Energy management system landscaping to identify potential acquisition targets

– About the Client: The Client, a multinational solar energy company, engaged PreScouter in this Research...
Case Study

Organizing and moderating a virtual showcase of digitization technologies

– About the Client: The Client, an energy infrastructure company, came to PreScouter for help organizing a...
Case Study

Landscape of the green hydrogen value chain, technology, and policy framework

– About the Client: With hydrogen considered to be the premier next-generation energy carrier, a cleantech...
Case Study

Landscape of technologies and players in the field of CO2 direct air capture

– About the Client: The Client was a multinational power company. To achieve the company’s goal...
Case Study

Evaluating a potential investment opportunity in an energy storage system platform company

– About the Client: The Client was a major manufacturer of solar photovoltaic modules that runs...
Case Study

Identifying technologies for reducing the mining sector’s GHG emissions

– About the Client: The Client, a mining industry support group, came to PreScouter for help...
Case Study

Value chain analysis of maritime shipping strategies to reduce CO2 emissions

– About the Client: The Client, a global resource extraction company, engaged PreScouter in this Research...
Case Study

Helping a UK-based Company Reposition in Western Canada to Unlock New Market Opportunities

– About the Client: The Client is a leading engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) firm who...
Case Study

Identifying Technologies to Convert CO2 into Liquid Fuels

– About the Client: The Client is a large energy company that develops, constructs, and operates...
Case Study

Identifying Digital Infrastructure for the Upstream Operations of a Global O&G Company

– About the Client: The client is a leading global multinational company with an extensive portfolio...
Case Study

Electrification Trends in Mobile Machinery

– About the Client: The Client is a Fortune 500 company and a world leader in...



How to achieve carbon neutrality with offsets and energy certificates

– After discussing how COP26 will impact organizations in our last summit, here our panel of...

COP26’s Impact on Corporations – PreScouter Virtual Sustainability Summit

– The 26th annual UN Climate Change Conference, or COP26, was held in Glasgow over the...

Urban Greening to Fight Climate Change

– The greening of grey surfaces can deliver multiple benefits, such as the mitigation of urban...

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Navigating the Plant-Based Seafood Frontier: Insights from Maarten Geraets

– The plant-based seafood industry, initially trailing behind other plant-based foods in terms of research and...

Towards carbon neutrality: The top 10 global carbon capture projects of 2023

– Access our detailed report that profiles each of the projects listed here in terms of...

The disruptive power of digital technologies in the water sector

– Digital technologies are shaping our world and are at the center of policy and technological...

Deep dive with an expert: Algae’s role in the seafood saga

– Ida Speyer is the CEO and co-founder of Mimic Seafood, a plant-based seafood company based...

How virtual power plants can save the U.S. trillions in grid upgrades

– Generating and consuming renewable energy presents challenges due to intermittency and geographical limitations. To address...

The global technology race: Is China truly ahead of the West?

– The  Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) recently released a report titled “The Global Race for...

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