Tag: Drones


Automated logistics: The future of freight

– New technologies are changing the way we transport things. With advances in autonomous control technologies,...

Emerging technologies in aircraft maintenance: Robots and drones

– Several aerospace companies are investing in the development of automated solutions to not only improve...

What key technologies are advancing oil and gas drilling?

– Oil and gas (O&G) remains a booming industry that manages $1.7 trillion USD per year...

Amazon’s new patent: Drones that recharge your EV while you’re driving

– Charging infrastructure for electric vehicles has been growing in dense urban areas such as in...

Commercial Drones: An Emerging Market

– When the average person thinks about a drone, they typically come up with one of...

Beyond IoT: Internet of Underwater Things to Network the Oceans

– The grand goal of the Internet of Underwater Things (IoUT) is to create a worldwide...

Drone Initiatives in Oil and Gas Applications

– Oil and gas companies are able to work smarter and faster with drone technology. These...

Natural Resources Roundup March 2017

– It has been another exciting, somewhat nerve-wracking, month for natural resources technologies. In this Roundup,...

Increase in Robotics Startup Funding Disrupts Industries

– In 2016, robotics startup companies received 50% more funding than they did the previous year,...

Will Drone-Vertising Be the Next Big Thing in Advertising?

– In our previous article Are Quadrotor Drones Going to Invade our Skies?, we soared into...

Drones and IoT Surface as Red Knights of the Oil & Gas Industry

– There is no denying the fact that we are living in an extremely interconnected world...

Are Quadrotor Drones Going to Invade our Skies?

– Starting from a couple millions of dollars in 2010, the quadrotor drone market has exploded...

FlyingBuddy2 Is A Brain-Controlled Quadcopter

– ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY, HANGZHOU, CHINA. FlyingBuddy2, a mind-controlled quadcopter, has been recently developed by a group...

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