Tag: Parkinson’s


Mini-Brains: A Plate Full of Possibilities

– Researchers from around the globe have been tampering with a creation that could lead to...

The Immune System in Parkinson’s Disease: A Possible Target for Treatment

– Parkinson’s disease is the second most widespread neurodegenerative disorder in the world, after Alzheimer’s Disease....

‘Mini-brains’ in a Dish: Unlocking the Mysteries of Human Brain Development

– With a rapidly aging population, age-related neurodegenerative diseases are becoming a major issue of public...

New Resin Moldable Into Highly Conductive 3D Shapes

– YOKOHAMA NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, YOKOHAMA, JAPAN. Researchers have recently developed a new material that can be...

Diagnostic Eye Ointment Or Eyedrops That Can Detect Neurological Diseases

– UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA, USA. Diagnostic eye ointment or eyedrops loaded with fluorescent...

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