Tag: Innovation


Overcoming the Barriers to Innovation

– In his 2015 Harvard Business Review article, “You Need an Innovation Strategy”, Harvard professor Gary...

So How Might a CFO Lead Innovatively?

– This article is Part 4 in a four part series on the CFO’s Role in Innovation...

What Could Happen If the CFO Was Placed In Charge Of Innovation?

– This article is Part 3 in a four-part series on the CFO’s Role in Innovation...

Why the Chief Financial Officer Must Lead Organizational Innovation

– My research over the last decades shows organizations have spent substantial sums on building creativity...

Flight of the RoboBee

– Increasingly, researchers are designing robots with forms and functions that defy our expectation of what...

The Fear Barrier: Weighing Risk and Reward in Innovation

– Humans do not like change and dislike the disruption it brings. We like to know where...

How to Get the First Follower for Your Idea

– The first phase, or “zero phase” of the innovation process is to convince the first...

Is Every Innovation a Win?

– In an article published by Scott Berkun in 2008, he begged his readers to “Stop...

4 Easy Tips for Engaging the Crowd

– There are many different ways to take crowd information and turn it into actionable data...

Responsibility of the Imagination in Open Innovation

– Front End Innovation is an annual conference attended by 550 of the most forward-thinking minds...

New Ice Skating Device Prevents Injuries

– ITHACA COLLEGE, NEW YORK, USA. A new advancement in the area of ice skating has...

How Innovation Occurs: Lessons from Sports

– The history of tennis and the high jump shows us that major innovations may emerge...

How to Create an Idea Factory

– By: Mitch Ditkoff One of the reasons why most BIG IDEAS go nowhere is because...

How Nice Fruit Achieved the Impossible: Fresh Frozen Fruit

– Nice Fruit is an example of how universities can be the source of revolutionary innovations...

20 Qualities of an Innovator

– The word “innovate” can be traced all the way back to 1440. It comes from...

A Brief Introduction to Speech Technology

– Speech technology has been a hot research topic for more than five decades; it tries...

The Extra Mile No One Will Go

– By: Orin Davis Almost by definition, innovation involves going beyond the boundaries, which means that...

3 Reasons Email Is Not Innovation Management

– Banchile Inversiones has managed the assets of companies and individuals throughout Chile for decades. During...

Graphene: How This Miracle Material is Transforming Every Industry

– In the 1940s, plastic was portrayed as a “miracle material” by the American chemical industry....

20 ways to spark innovation in others

– Many forward-thinking organizations, these days, are launching all kinds of initiatives to crank up innovation....

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