Tag: Nutrition


The rise of algae: What will the future of sustainable seafood look like?

– Access our report to explore how algae is transforming plant-based seafood, including insights on six...

Gamer nutrition: Meeting the dietary demands of esports athletes

– From the earlier perception as a mode for relaxation and fun, online gaming and electronic...

Plant-based diets can power athletes

– A plant-based diet is often confused with a vegetarian or vegan diet; but in contrast...

Natural alternatives to chemical food preservatives: Plant-based is the new trend

– Artificial food preservatives revolutionized the food industry to ensure a longer shelf-life of food products....

Infographic: Properties and Side Effects of Artificial Preservatives

– In a previous article entitled, Why preservatives are bad for your health, we presented scientific evidence...

3 reasons why Lentein is the latest innovation in the food and beverage industry

– Lentein is a protein-rich green powder produced by Parabel. It is a “whole food concept”...

What is personalized nutrition bringing to our plates?

– Personalized nutrition is not a new idea, but the ease of accessing it is. From...

Weight Loss Technologies Train the Brain to Resist Temptation

– Can a computer game train your brain to resist sweets? That’s the question Drexel University...

Processed Meats Classified as Carcinogenic by WHO

– How many of us eat and love processed meats, such as sausages and hotdogs? Have...

Hot Chili Peppers: A Possible New Cure for Obesity

– UNIVERSITY OF ADELAIDE, ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUSTRALIA. The intake of hot chili has been shown to...

Nutrigenomics: Eat According to your Genes

– Nutrigenomics is the study that deals with the effects of specific nutrients on gene expression....

Organic Antimicrobial Protection For Meat From Pecan Shells

– INSTITUTE OF FOOD TECHNOLOGIST, IL, USA. The market for organic products is slowly growing in...

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