Category: High Tech


The future of antennas: What to expect?

– As electronics have developed in recent years, product engineers have found ways to largely eliminate...

How will 5G impact different industries?

– A little something about the Gs: We are living in a decade where wireless technologies...

PreScouter Journal 2017 Roundup & 10 Most Read Articles

– It has been quite a year for the PreScouter Journal. Thanks to our great team...

What Technologies Are Redefining Shopping this Holiday Season?

– The majority of us will incorporate our computers and mobile devices in the way we...

Attractive opportunities in the semiconductor industry

– The semiconductor industry lies at the intersection of several high-growth sectors that are now reaching...

What emerging technologies will improve the semiconductor industry?

– We live in exciting times. In the past few years, we have seen the acceleration...

Insights into the State of the Chip Market in 2017

– Many people still associate chip manufacturers with pre-built desktop PCs. However, those days are long...

The Impact of Lithium-Ion Batteries on the Automobile Industry

– We have come a long way since German inventor, Siegfried Samuel Marcus manufactured the first...

RFID: A Technological Revolution

– RFID technology has changed the face of many industries– including various areas of transportation, but...

Can DNA Solve the Data Storage Problem?

– Mankind is producing more data than ever. Globally, digitally stored data is projected to reach...

A New Material is Furthering 3D Printing in Space

– 3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, has enabled many advancements in several industries, and...

Quantum Communication Strong in China

– Last Sunday, Chinese government officials and scientists announced the world’s first ultra-secure quantum encrypted network,...

A ‘Jetsons’ Reality Is Closer Than You Think

– With recent buzz surrounding automation, most notably autonomous vehicles, the next question to ask is what...

LG’s new futuristic 77-Inch OLED TV

– Last week, LG unveiled its new 77-inch transparent OLED panel. The futuristic visions of large transparent...

Beyond IoT: Internet of Underwater Things to Network the Oceans

– The grand goal of the Internet of Underwater Things (IoUT) is to create a worldwide...

IoT and AI Combine to Dominate Consumer Electronics

– The technological revolution in the Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are accelerating...

Can EUV Lithography Save Moore’s Law from Demise?

– The ever-rising desire to maintain Moore’s law of exponential growth is driving the semiconductor industry...

What it Means for the Satellite Industry to Shift to the Private Sector

– With satellite television, satellite broadband, and Earth observations services, the satellite industry is growing so...

IoT’s Effect on the Telecommunications Industry in 2017

– The Internet of Things (IoT) will revolutionize and significantly impact many industries, as we have...

Current and Potential Applications of Carbon Nanotubes

– As nanotechnology continues to emerge as the scientific beacon of the future, carbon nanotubes (CNTs)...

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