Category: High Tech


Artificial Intelligence’s Impact on the High Tech Sector: NVIDIA as the Clear Winner

– Artificial intelligence (AI), and one of its heavily researched subsets, machine learning, are both poised...

IoT and Its Impact on the Semiconductor Industry

– In recent years, smartphone sales have been a growth opportunity for the semiconductor industry. However,...

How Robotic Sleeves Can Restore Heart Function After Cardiac Arrest

– According to the American Heart Association, heart failure currently affects close to 6 million people...

Increase in Robotics Startup Funding Disrupts Industries

– In 2016, robotics startup companies received 50% more funding than they did the previous year,...

Augmented Reality – Not a Fiction but a Revolution of the Real Life

– Imagine a world where you can try your outfits in a fitting room, or apply...

What is the future of libraries?

– It is widely believed that libraries are dying. They receive less funding each year and...

Geckskin Applications: Spider-Man Soldiers to Home Decor

– In 2012, a team of researchers at the University of Massachusetts- Amherst, led by Al...

Will Drone-Vertising Be the Next Big Thing in Advertising?

– In our previous article Are Quadrotor Drones Going to Invade our Skies?, we soared into...

Wireless Innovations in the Audio and Healthcare Industries

– Once upon a time, every electronic device had a wire or cord dangling from it....

What Future Car Technologies Will Make Roads Safe?

– There’s a lot changing in the automotive industry. Most surprisingly, having a driver’s license won’t...

Samsung Phones Explode: A Look at Battery Technology

– In the aftermath of over 100 reported incidents of Galaxy Note 7 explosions worldwide, Samsung...

How Will Encryption Keep Internet of Things Data Secure?

– The idea of the Internet of Things, that everyday objects can connect to one another and transfer data, is...

Internet of Things: The Unavoidable Patent War

– Smartphones were the first personal devices to be connected to the internet and provided unlimited...

IoT: The Technological Disruptor of the Future

– The IT world has evolved vastly in the past few decades. We’ve come from room-sized...

Internet of Nano Things: A New Paradigm

– The Internet of Things is built through sensors that are attached to things. These inexpensive...

Your Brain on Google Glass

– Researchers use functional near-infrared spectroscopy to measure mental workload as subjects navigate a college campus....

Avoiding Stumbles, from Spacewalks to Sidewalks

– Vibrating footwear could help astronauts and visually impaired earthlings skirt obstacles. Video of astronauts tripping...

Will Artificial Intelligence Ever Surpass the Human Brain?

– A number of artificial intelligence (AI) enthusiasts have been predicting that machines will eventually surpass...

Flight of the RoboBee

– Increasingly, researchers are designing robots with forms and functions that defy our expectation of what...

Monitoring Sun Exposure With a Portable Paper Sensor

– Summer is around the corner — time for cookouts and sunbathing. But too much sun...

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